Widget targeting is available for Basic, Business, Growth, Scale and Plus plans.
Widgets are typically added to the store by Widget ID, but in some cases, you’d like to show different widgets on the same page types. For example:
Different product reviews on the Product page
Display widget only on specific Product page
Different widgets on the Collection page
Create a widget with targeting
On the widget page, find a section “Targeting” with different target options:
Product - show on product pages
Collection - show on collection pages
URL - show on specific URL
If you want to show the widget on the Product page, select “Product” in the targeting list and choose the product.
If you want to show the widget on the Collection page, select “Collection” in the targeting list and choose a product.
Paste the URL where widgets should be visible. For example, https://store.com/products/dress
. URL matching is strict.
Don’t forget to save the changes!
When we are searching for a widget to show, we look in this priority:
Widget ID
Product or Collection
Adding App block to the theme
Assuming you have added a widget for the product page, we can add an App Block to the product page.
Open Theme Editor inside Shopify. On top bar select template for “Product”.
On the left sidebar, click on “Add Section,” and on the tab “Apps,” find “Storista Widget” and add a new block.
On block settings, there is an option to add “Widget ID.” Because with targeting, we don’t know which widget to show, the “Widget ID” field should be empty.
Click on “Save” to save changes.
That’s it. Now open the URL https://yourdomain.com/products/dress
to see the result. Open the different products and confirm that the widget is not visible.
Here are a few limitations on using the targeting feature:
Products are visible only in preview mode. Small cards in the carousel are not visible.
Multiple widgets with targeting on the same page are not supported. However, you can add a second widget without targeting.
Multiple widgets with the same targeting are not supported. Contact support if you can’t find a widget with the same targeting.
Adding multiple widgets on the same page
If you need to add multiple widgets on same page, where is one simple rule: Only one widget should be with targeting, other widgets should use “Widget ID” field.